Showing posts with label Best IVF Centre in India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best IVF Centre in India. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 September 2022

IUI: A New Ray of Hope ( Best IUI Treatment Cost in Delhi)

Despite repeated attempts if the couple is not able to conceive IUI has come with a ray of hope. One can get treatment for each and every kind of disease. And so is for fertility like IVF, IUI and surrogacy.

 What is IUI

 IUI, also known as “intrauterine insemination”, is a simple process in which a concentrated specimen of this worm is carefully placed inside the uterus. Known for its safety, it is very easy to undergo. For this treatment, Dr. Archana is a renowned name in Delhi. She is also known for Best IUI Treatment Cost in Delhi.

 Need of IUI

 When the male sperm count is very low or there is any abnormal morphology of sperm one can undergo this process. Also if there is any sexual dysfunction dysfunction among the male or female partner or any kind of unexplained infertility the best way to conceive is undergoing an IUI treatment.

Process of IUI treatment 

 Before undergoing any of the treatment, there are some steps to follow. A complete and thorough check-up of the female is done. On the first day of the periods the female asked to visit the doctor. She is then put on ovulation after 10 days. The doctor calls for an ultrasonography to check if the process is working or not . If everything goes well, the doctor will administer an HCG injection to enhance the meditation of eggs. After 36 to 38 hours of injecting, an experienced team of doctor will perform the IUI procedure.

 Benefits of IUI

 IUI has come up as one of the low risk and inexpensive fertility treatment. There are much more chances of getting pregnant under this procedure as compared to IVF. IT is a very simple and easy process to follow.  Also IUI treatment is less invasive with no anesthesia  or ovum pick-up involved. The couple do not have to face any kind of complication and hence can stay stress free.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Get IVF Treatment from Expert IVF Doctor in Delhi

Pregnancy, also known as gestation. It is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman. Pregnancy can happen with unprotected sexual intercourse. If a women’s age is less than 30 years old then the chances of getting pregnant in the first year is more. When tried for two years and not conceived then she should consult a doctor, to know what the problem is. A women not getting pregnant does not depend only on herself but also her male partner. When the problem is about fertility one can go to the Best IVF Center in Delhi to seek help about having a baby.
The people at IVF Clinic in Delhi learn about your history of not getting pregnant and suggest you to go with the further process. These clinics encourage people who have failed to conceive after having all other treatment and have no option other than IVF. These couples would have also taken all other drugs responsible to make you pregnant. IVF treatment centers check all the problems of infertility in both males and females. The IVF procedure is not a single step procedure but involves a series of steps that can happen over many weeks.

The steps that are involved in this procedure begins with the stimulation of the ovaries, where the hormones are given to stimulate the production of more eggs. It is monitored by blood tests and ultrasounds to ensure the eggs are collected precisely. Once the eggs are collected an ultrasound probe is placed into the vagina to determine the right time to collect the eggs. After a couple of hours after egg collection, the male partner is asked to provide semen sample in which the eggs are mixed with the sperm in a petri-dish to allow fertilization. The IVF Doctor in Delhi makes sure all these process are undergone smoothly.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Why you should go for IVF treatment?

IVF, a treatment in which the eggs are saved from the woman's body and the spermatozoa are taken from the male partner and the artificial insemination is carried out outside the body (in vitro) using cutting-edge laboratory procedures and techniques with the aid of specialized lab infrastructure. The complete procedure from collecting the eggs from the ovaries till the settlement of the developed embryo into the female’s uterus, all is controlled in the Best ivf centre in India.

Implantation of subsequent embryo is done by Best IVF doctor Delhi Embryo Transfer Technique to insert the lining of the woman’s womb to make her pregnant indeed. The pregnancy test is carried out in some days.

Why IVF?

If you and your partner have following problems you are suggested to go for ivf treatment by best IVF doctor Delhi in the leading infertility clinics India.
  1. Clogged or absent fallopian tubes– Fertilisation of the egg happens on its passage through the fallopian tube so if the tubes are impassable or absent, this process cannot take place. 
  2.  Endometriosis – This is when the inside layer of the womb can be found covering other pelvic arrangements such as the ovaries, pelvic tendons, peritoneum (lining of the pelvis), bowel, and bladder. This roots irritation and tenderness which can lead to damaging. It is also related with infertility, even though the reasons for this are not fully assumed. 
  3. Irregular ovulation – For ovulation to take place, part of the brain stimulates the pituitary gland to discharge hormones for the ovaries to develop eggs during the menstrual cycle. If the menstrual cycle is irregular, ovulation may also be unbalanced or absent. 
  4.  Low sperm count or motility – If there are not sufficient sperm released in the semen or the sperm that are released are not matured enough to make it to the woman’s reproductive system, conception is not possible.   
 In Best IVF Centre in India or Infertility Clinic India, you can get the treatments for infertility and have a baby.