Showing posts with label Best IVF doctors in Delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best IVF doctors in Delhi. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 September 2022

IUI: A New Ray of Hope ( Best IUI Treatment Cost in Delhi)

Despite repeated attempts if the couple is not able to conceive IUI has come with a ray of hope. One can get treatment for each and every kind of disease. And so is for fertility like IVF, IUI and surrogacy.

 What is IUI

 IUI, also known as “intrauterine insemination”, is a simple process in which a concentrated specimen of this worm is carefully placed inside the uterus. Known for its safety, it is very easy to undergo. For this treatment, Dr. Archana is a renowned name in Delhi. She is also known for Best IUI Treatment Cost in Delhi.

 Need of IUI

 When the male sperm count is very low or there is any abnormal morphology of sperm one can undergo this process. Also if there is any sexual dysfunction dysfunction among the male or female partner or any kind of unexplained infertility the best way to conceive is undergoing an IUI treatment.

Process of IUI treatment 

 Before undergoing any of the treatment, there are some steps to follow. A complete and thorough check-up of the female is done. On the first day of the periods the female asked to visit the doctor. She is then put on ovulation after 10 days. The doctor calls for an ultrasonography to check if the process is working or not . If everything goes well, the doctor will administer an HCG injection to enhance the meditation of eggs. After 36 to 38 hours of injecting, an experienced team of doctor will perform the IUI procedure.

 Benefits of IUI

 IUI has come up as one of the low risk and inexpensive fertility treatment. There are much more chances of getting pregnant under this procedure as compared to IVF. IT is a very simple and easy process to follow.  Also IUI treatment is less invasive with no anesthesia  or ovum pick-up involved. The couple do not have to face any kind of complication and hence can stay stress free.

Monday 21 February 2022

Who are the Best IVF Doctor in India?

IVF doctors are specialists who have training in dealing with the IVF process.

In vitro fertilization is a process in which an egg gets combined with sperm in vitro. It is a way of fertilization done in cases of infertility. This process includes monitoring a female's process of ovulation and removal of ova or an ovum from her ovaries. The sperm is then allowed to fertilize the ova in a laboratory.  

Reasons to visit an IVF doctor

You may go to an IVF doctor in Delhi. You may consult an IVF doctor in the following cases:

  • You may face some difficulty conceiving for around six months or more.  You may consult an IVF doctor in this case.

  • If you are 35 years old or more,  an IVF doctor comes to the rescue.

  • If you are suffering from miscarriages, you may go to an IVF doctor.

  • If you are attempting to conceive, but know the risk factors, consult a suitable doctor. If you notice symptoms of infertility, such as sexually transmitted infections, irregular menstrual cycles, or genetic problems, you need to talk to an IVF doctor.

There are other situations when you need to consult an IVF doctor. If you live in and around Delhi, look for a good IVF clinic in Delhi and consult the best IVF specialist in Delhi.

The IVF process may be an expensive procedure to have a child. Most couples can afford to go through this venture only once.  The IVF method has made it easy for couples, who face problems in conceiving,  to have a baby. 

Qualities of a good IVF doctor

The field of IVF is evolving. New techniques and procedures are coming up. However, your treatment must take place under a reputed doctor.

 Consulting the best IVF doctor is essential. It will give you mental peace that your treatment is in the best hands. 

We have brought for you a list of qualities. You need to check these qualities in a doctor before you finalize an IVF doctor in India for treatment.

1) A reputed IVF doctor must have high success rates 

If you are looking for a good IVF doctor, choose a doctor having a high success rate and a good track record of helping couples get a baby. 

You must know about the statistics of a doctor before consulting him. An experienced doctor will first evaluate your condition and tell you all the possible things that may happen during the IVF process.

2) A good IVF doctor must have enough experience.

Some people prefer doctors who have recently come out of a medical institution. However, in the case of the IVF process, an experienced doctor is necessary. Different couples may face various complications while having a baby through in vitro fertilization. An experienced doctor has an idea of how to deal with such complications. Hence, if you are looking for an IVF doctor, consider one who has been in this field for several years.  

Since it is a costly process, an experienced IVF doctor should know how to take care of the necessary things under his control. A doctor with experience will keep backup plans to execute if anything goes wrong.

3) An IVF doctor must have a good bedside manner. 

Everyone likes to interact with a doctor who has charming behavior and is honest towards his work. Search for an IVF doctor who is straightforward and polite.  The doctor should proceed with the treatment patiently.  Look for a doctor who will give you a view of the entire process and give you a fair idea of what will happen.  

If you feel uneasy while interacting with the doctor, it means that you should change the doctor. An ideal IVF doctor should treat you with care and make you feel comfortable in his presence.

4) An IVF doctor needs to be caring and affectionate.

The in vitro fertilization process may be an emotional one for some couples. Hence, it is better to look for a doctor who is compassionate towards the patients. He should respect the views and desires of the patients. An ideal doctor should never compel his patients to undergo a procedure if the patient doesn't want to.

IVF treatment in Delhi

Are you looking for the best IVF center in Delhi? 

Do you want to know the IVF treatment cost in Delhi

Do you want an IVF treatment in Delhi and become parents?

Well, you may consult Dr. Archana Dhawan Bajaj who is one of the best IVF doctors in Delhi. She is the best IVF specialist in Delhi and offers the best IVF treatment in Delhi at a bearable rate. She has experience of over 15 years and has earned the position of the best IVF specialist doctor in Delhi. 

Final words

When you decide to undertake the in vitro fertilization process to become a parent, make sure that you choose the best IVF doctor.

Always go for the best IVF treatment clinic in Delhi.